The First Time difference: A word from our co-founder

Traditional “defensive driving” courses have stayed mostly the same for many years. Participants will head to a venue. In a group, they’ll sit through a presentation. It’s then off to a racetrack to perform defensive manoeuvres with, or without, an instructor in the car with them.

The initial point of difference with First Time? Our training is road based.

We’ll meet you at a convenient location, sit down in a relaxed setting and talk one-on-one about what you do now when driving and how we can make this safer.

Next, we’ll look over your car and walk through the modern safety features it has. From here, we take the passenger seat. We guide you in how to advance your driving skills – in your car, with its features.

Historical research shows that post Learner driver training does not reduce the risk of a serious crash or injury in motor vehicle-related incidences. Many studies have concluded that post Learner driver training courses do not improve on-road safety, instead reducing driver safety through the false confidence they gain from knowing “defensive driving” techniques.

From First Time’s perspective, the flaw in this research is: how do you quantify a finding like this, when there are so many external factors?

Why do emergency services departments around the world spend hundreds of thousands of dollars every year training their staff to advance their driving knowledge and confidence, to make them safer drivers?

During a discussion with one of Australia’s most respected post Learner driver training authorities regarding this research, he stated:

“It’s impossible to measure competence, skills or high order driving tactics...”

Consider a driver who has been driving for 30-plus years without a collision. Are they just lucky? Or is it because they’ve had further training and more on-road experience since the guidance they initially received when going for their Learner’s (… all those years ago)? 


How is First Time Advanced Driving different to traditional ‘defensive driving’ courses?

We are taking our years of track-based skills, road-based experience and emergency services training to deliver a training system that’s different to almost anything else out there.

Observations are key to everything we do in motor vehicles of any type. Our aim is to teach you a better way to drive your vehicle, to make you a safer driver who’s more aware of your surroundings.

Motor vehicle technology has changed dramatically in the past decade. Our training has adapted to this. Driving a modern vehicle safely just doesn’t align with the driving drills that were relevant even just 10 years ago.

Just as driving standards and safety practices in emergency services have changed, First Time’s standards and safety practices have evolved as well.

In a nutshell? We don’t teach outdated practices and wouldn’t want our clients paying for this.

Our training isn’t designed to make you more confident to solely deal with an emergency situation on the road.

Our training is designed to make you more confident to not get yourself – and any passengers – in that unsafe situation in the first place.

Darren Meznar
Co-founder, First Time

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